Even if your laptop makes it past those issues, keep in mind that by the time a laptop is 10 to 12 years old, the hardware will no longer be supported by modern operating systems, so you'll need to replace the system to keep current with security updates and to be compatible with modern software.Oct 24, 2022
Source : https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/how-long-do-laptops-last
Although PCs benefit from an occasional reboot, it's not necessary to turn off your computer every night. Regular shutdowns can save energy and maintain performance, but if convenience is key, you can opt for occasional shutdowns.Jan 31, 2024
Source : https://www.pandasecurity.com/en/mediacenter/should-you-shut-down-computer-night/
The average lifespan of a desktop computer is around five years. Laptops have a shorter lifespan, averaging between three to five years. However, both types of computers can last much longer with proper care and maintenance. Should you upgrade or replace a personal computer?
Source : https://www.nerdsonsite.com/blog/what-is-the-average-life-of-a-computer/
If you have a basic computer system that you haven't significantly upgraded that is more than four years old and in need of a major hardware repair (like a new motherboard or processor), it's best to start shopping around for a new computer.
Source : https://callnerds.com/fix-or-replace-your-old-computer/
Around age 10 is a great time to buy a computer for your child. As they get older, they will definitely need one. But at age 10, they are young enough that you can still supervise and teach them how to stay safe online. Think about your child - are they responsible enough at this age to take care of a computer?May 21, 2021
Source : https://insights.gostudent.org/en/the-first-computer-for-your-child
Con: Lenovo Design Is Considered too Standard Many of their laptops have a straightforward “business” design that doesn't make the best first impression on most users. The design of their machines also isn't very intuitive for high demand applications like gaming and digital media production.
Source : https://www.discount-computer.com/blog/should-you-buy-a-lenovo-laptop-pros-and-cons-of-buying-lenovo/